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Generally, the Board of Directors meet on the third Thursday of each month at locations in Presidio or Brewster County for their regular meetings, but they may be re-scheduled to other weeks to accommodate schedules or availability to obtain quorum. All meetings of the District are public meetings and are open to the public and the media.
Special Meetings, Workshops, and Public Hearings are held necessary at anytime when called by the Board of Directors. Residents are urged to refer to the official public notice posted no less than seventy-two hours in advance of meetings for the exact time, date, and location of board meetings. Public notices are at the Alpine and Presidio offices of the hospital district and on this web site.
Meetings in Alpine are held at the Administrative Office at 105 W. Holland when held in Brewster County. When meetings are held in Presidio, they are held at the Big Bend Health office at 602 W. O'Reilly Street. The District may hold public meetings at other locations in either Brewster or Presidio County and the public is urged to confirm meeting date, location, and time from the posted public notices.
The District does have rules related to public comments at the meetings and follow policies outlined in the Open Meetings Act. Individuals may address the board on any topic, but the board will be limited in their ability to discuss only items posted on the agenda.
Next Meeting
Date: January 23, 2025
Time: 3:00PM
Terlingua Fire & EMS
23250 FM 170
Terlingua, TX 79852
Directors are elected from five Single Member Districts (SMD) that are established in accordance with population guidelines and regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Justice. Existing precinct lines will be adjusted every ten years in accordance with census data as published by the United States Census Department.
​The management, control and administration of the District is vested in the Board of Directors who represent all residents of the District equally, regardless of the county, city or community of residence.
S. Buddy Cavness Chairman
District 4
​Term: 2022-2026
Next Election: May 2026
Valynda W. Henington
District 2
​Term: 2022-2026
Next Election: May 2026
Dr. Laura Portillo
District 1
Term: 2024-2028
Next Election: May 2028
Reagan Reed
District 3
​Term: 2024-2028
Next Election: May 2028
Angela Juett
District 5
​Next Election: May 2028
Lynette Brehm,
Executive Director
Big Bend Regional Hospital District is comprised of five single-member districts across both Brewster and Presidio Counties. The Board of Directors is composed of the five directors elected from each of the single-member districts. Existing precinct lines are adjusted every ten years in accordance with census data as published by the United States Census Department.
​105 W. Holland Avenue
Alpine, Texas 79830
Phone: (432) 837-7051
Fax: (432) 837-3261
602 W. O'Reilly Street
​Presidio, Texas 79845
Phone: (432) 837-7051
Fax: (432) 229-2161
Big Bend Regional Hospital District
P.O Box 1439
Alpine, Texas 79831